Türk Hava Yolları Akademisinin öğrencilerine’de Florida’da Easa Jaa Pilot lisansı eğitimi veren Florida Instute of Technology bu eğitimi verdirdiği PTC firması ("Pilot Training College ") ile anlaşmasını 27 Haziran 2012 tarihi ile aralarındaki anlaşmazlık’tan dolayı iptal etti. Yaklaşik 200 öğrencinin bir anda eğitimsiz kalmasına sebep olan kontrat iptali İngiliz basınında böyle yer aldi:
Okulun Başkanının bir Blog’da verdiği resmi Açıklaması’da şöyle:
First of all, on behalf of PTC, I want to sincerely apologise for the disruption that is being caused to your flight training.
PTC has found it necessary to challenge FIT in relation to their failure to deliver training in accordance with the training contract between PTC and FIT. FIT have failed over a protracted period to deliver training on schedule and in accordance with our contract. We have been actively involved in trying to resolve this issue for several months. We have had no option other than to bring this issue to a head. Unfortunately, the response from FIT has been to terminate all training and issue notice of cancellation of the contract.
PTC is in active negotiations with an alternative provider and we have informed FIT that this is our intention. We are unable to provide any further information at this time as these negotiations are delicate and protracted.
Please bear with us as we work towards bringing about a solution to these difficulties. We will keep everybody informed as the situation develops.
Capt. Mike Edgeworth,